Dynamics Mobile Van-Sales demo video: New Order
This is pt.2 of a sequence of screen recording videos that will introduce you to the main Dynamics Mobile Van-Sales functionality
Watch pt.1 - App Overview
New order feature or so-called Pre-Sale functionality. We start by selecting the New order task and we are presented with the order list window.
From the plus icon located on the bottom right, we can add products. The product list is displayed and from the top we can cycle between different catalogs. Under the name of each product we can see information as batch number and in stock numbers within our main warehouse.
We can add a product by selecting it and choosing the quantity manually like so. The other option is to swipe to the left and perform a bulk addition of the item.
Once we have selected the products the customer wants to order, they are being displayed on the order list window. By swiping to the left we have the option to remove items.
Once we are ready with the order we click on the arrow on the top right and we are presented with the option to add supplementary items. A little suitcase icon will appear in the bottom left corner. We add the supplementary products available to our customer and the system calculates the total amount and discounts will be applied automatically.
We can proceed to the next window to confirm the order. The system calculates the total amount and the VАТ. We can choose the payment methods (cash, bank, cheque) and to select a payment model (example: 50% on order and 50% on delivery). We can attach a snapshot or a signature from the bottom right and we can proceed with issuing the order receipt and to print it via a Bluetooth printer.
Learn more about Dynamics Mobile Van-Sales - a standalone app for wholesale, distribution and delivery business.
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